The Hughes 9502 Integrated BGAN Terminal is designed to provide reliable IP connectivity even in the harshest of conditions. Integrated with a compact antenna, this rugged one-piece terminal can withstand extreme weather and is ideal for various machine-to-machine (M2M) applications, including environmental monitoring, SmartGrid, pipeline control, compressor monitoring, well site automation, and surveillance.
Key Features:
Seamless Connectivity: It delivers dependable IP connectivity over the Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN).
Backup and Out-of-Band Management: Ideal for SCADA and unattended sites with backup and out-of-band management capabilities for primary site communications.
Low Power Consumption: With exceptional low power consumption (1W idle), it's perfect for power-challenged locations that rely on solar-battery arrays.
Remote Antenna Positioning: It includes 10 meters of RF cabling, allowing the antenna to be positioned remotely from the transceiver, providing flexibility in complex installations.
SIM Card Security: The SIM card is secured inside a premise or enclosure to protect against unauthorized use, theft, and vandalism.
Firmware Upgrades: Future firmware releases qualify for no charge over-the-air (OTA) upgrades, saving customers time and money.